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37mm / 1.5" HCL Lamps
51mm / 2" HCL Lamps
Deuterium Lamps (D2)
Application Source Lamps
Super Lamps
Power Supplies & Accessories
Visible Lamps
Graphite Tubes
Astronomical Calibration Lamps
ICP Glassware & Accessories
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Hollow Cathode Lamps
Super Lamps
All Super Lamps
3V Uncoded Super Lamps
10V Uncoded Super Lamps
3V Coded Super Lamps
10V Coded Super Lamps
Application Source Lamps
37mm (1.5") HCL Lamps - Single Element (for all AAS)
Single Element 37mm (1.5inch) HCL Overview Table
All AAS Instruments (2 Pin Uncoded) - P800 Series
Agilent / Varian / GBC (4 Pin Coded) - P800C Series
Thermo Fisher / Unicam (7 Pin Coded) - P800UC Series
37mm (1.5") HCL Lamps - Multi Element (for all AAS)
Multi Element 37mm (1.5inch) HCL Overview Table
All AAS Instruments (2 Pin Uncoded) - P500 Series
Agilent / Varian / GBC (4 Pin Coded) - P500C Series
Thermo Fisher / Unicam (7 Pin Coded) - P500UC Series
51mm (2") HCL Lamps - Single Element (for Perkin Elmer)
Single Element 51mm (2inch) HCL Overview Table
Perkin Elmer (4 Pin Coded) - P900LL Series
Perkin Elmer (9 Pin Coded) - P900 Series
Perkin Elmer (12 Pin Coded) - P900C Series
51mm (2") HCL - Multi Element (for Perkin Elmer)
Multi Element 51mm (2inch) HCL Overview Table
Perkin Elmer (9 Pin Coded) - P600 / P6-0000 / P970 series
Perkin Elmer (4 Pin Coded) - P600LL / P6-0000LL / P970LL Series
D2 Lamps
All D2 Lamps
3V D2 Lamps
10V D2 Lamps
By Instrument
Agilent D2 Lamps
GBC Scientific D2 Lamps
Hitachi D2 Lamps
Perkin Elmer D2 Lamps
Thermo D2 Lamps
Unicam D2 Lamps
Visible & Specialty
UV Visible Tungsten Lamps
Astronomical Calibration Lamps
Graphite Tubes
All Graphite Tubes
Varian Graphite Tubes
GBC Scientific Graphite Tubes
Perkin Elmer Graphite Tubes
Hitachi Graphite Tubes
Shimadzu Graphite Tubes
Thermo Electron Graphite Tubes
Power Supplies
Adapters & Cables
Hollow Cathode Lamps
Hollow Cathode Lamps
Super Lamps
Super Lamps
All Super Lamps
3V Uncoded Super Lamps
10V Uncoded Super Lamps
3V Coded Super Lamps
10V Coded Super Lamps
Application Source Lamps
37mm (1.5") HCL Lamps - Single Element (for all AAS)
37mm (1.5") HCL Lamps - Single Element (for all AAS)
Single Element 37mm (1.5inch) HCL Overview Table
All AAS Instruments (2 Pin Uncoded) - P800 Series
Agilent / Varian / GBC (4 Pin Coded) - P800C Series
Thermo Fisher / Unicam (7 Pin Coded) - P800UC Series
37mm (1.5") HCL Lamps - Multi Element (for all AAS)
37mm (1.5") HCL Lamps - Multi Element (for all AAS)
Multi Element 37mm (1.5inch) HCL Overview Table
All AAS Instruments (2 Pin Uncoded) - P500 Series
Agilent / Varian / GBC (4 Pin Coded) - P500C Series
Thermo Fisher / Unicam (7 Pin Coded) - P500UC Series
51mm (2") HCL Lamps - Single Element (for Perkin Elmer)
51mm (2") HCL Lamps - Single Element (for Perkin Elmer)
Single Element 51mm (2inch) HCL Overview Table
Perkin Elmer (4 Pin Coded) - P900LL Series
Perkin Elmer (9 Pin Coded) - P900 Series
Perkin Elmer (12 Pin Coded) - P900C Series
51mm (2") HCL - Multi Element (for Perkin Elmer)
51mm (2") HCL - Multi Element (for Perkin Elmer)
Multi Element 51mm (2inch) HCL Overview Table
Perkin Elmer (9 Pin Coded) - P600 / P6-0000 / P970 series
Perkin Elmer (4 Pin Coded) - P600LL / P6-0000LL / P970LL Series
D2 Lamps
D2 Lamps
All D2 Lamps
3V D2 Lamps
10V D2 Lamps
By Instrument
By Instrument
Agilent D2 Lamps
GBC Scientific D2 Lamps
Hitachi D2 Lamps
Perkin Elmer D2 Lamps
Thermo D2 Lamps
Unicam D2 Lamps
Visible & Specialty
Visible & Specialty
UV Visible Tungsten Lamps
Astronomical Calibration Lamps
Graphite Tubes
Graphite Tubes
All Graphite Tubes
Varian Graphite Tubes
GBC Scientific Graphite Tubes
Perkin Elmer Graphite Tubes
Hitachi Graphite Tubes
Shimadzu Graphite Tubes
Thermo Electron Graphite Tubes
Power Supplies
Adapters & Cables
Super Lamp - 3V Coded, 37mm (Boosted Discharge HCL)
Super Lamp - 3V Uncoded, 37mm (Boosted Discharge HCL)
Super Lamps
Thermo Electron Graphite Tubes
Thermo Fisher D2 Lamps - (Deuterium Lamps)
Unicam D2 Lamps - (Deuterium Lamps)
Varian Graphite Tubes
Visible Lamps
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